El vocabulario estético de César Vallejo (castellano-inglés)

          El vocabulario estético de César Vallejo

             Acontecer-to take place, occur, happen

               Acuñar-to mint, to coin; to coin a phrase;


               Ajuar-trousseau, layette


               Alero-eave, protection

               Allanar-to raid, to solve, resolve; to level, smooth

               Alvéolo-alveolus, alveolar ridge; cell

               (f#)Anca-haunch, hindquarters, rump, butt cheek

               Arzón-saddle tree               

               Atisbo-sign, hint, glimpse

               Avisar-to sight, catch a glimpse of


               (f) Ballena-whale; stay

               (f) bacante-bacchante; drunken woman

               (f) Brizna-strand, blade; drizzle

               Buitre-vulture; gannet

               Calabozo-cell; guardroom; dungeon 

               Cangrejo-crab, crayfish


               Cavilar-to ponder, deliberate, think deeply

               Chaleco-vest, waistcoat; cardigan; jacket

               (f) Chata-bedpan

               Cilicio-hair shirt

               Cojear-to limp, wobble, rock; to lack, to be wanting

               Crespón-crepe; band, bow, ribbon

               Cribar-to sieve, to sift

               (f) Deglución-swallowing, deglutition    

               Desahuciar-to declare….terminally ill; to evict; to dismiss

               (f) Dulzaina-clarinet type reed instrument

               Empavonar-to blue, to frost

               Encaje-lace, socket


               Escotar-to cut down; to cut a neckline; to whittle down

               Esternón-sternum, breastbone

               Estruendo-crash, din

               Exangüe-spent, exhausted

               (fpl) Exequias-funeral, exequies

               Feraz-rich, fertile

               Grillete-shackle, fetter


               Hechicero-sorcerer, wizard, witch doctor  

               (f) Hendija-crack, crevice, gap

               Hojalatero-tinsmith, panel beater

               (f) Hoz-sickle

               Husmear-to sniff, pry, to snoop, to sniff around

               Lóbrego-gloomy, lugubrious, somber

              (f) Madeja-hank, skein

              Maremoto-tidal wave, seaquake

              (f) Mata-bush, shrub; plant, sprig; tuft, mane, mop


              Meridiano-meridian, noon, dazzling

              (f) Milla-mile

              Mordaz-scathing, caustic; incisive, Sharp

              (f) Oblea-wafer; chip; stamp

              (fpl) Ojeras-breadcrumbs, leftovers, scraps

              Pestillo-bolt, latch, catch

              Plafón-ceiling, plafond

              (f) Polvareda-dust cloud

              Puluar-to swarm (with people), to teem, to crawl

              Rechinar-to creak, squeak; to hiss; to grumble, to gripe

              Remolcar-to tug, to tow

              (f) Renjia-crack, crevice, gap

              (f) Resaca-undertow; hangover

              Restañar-to stauch, to heal

              Retitín-sarcastic tone of voice; tinkling, jingling, ringing

              (f) Ribera-bank, shore, strand, riverside

              Sanguíneo-sanguine, ruddy-complexioned

              Sesgo-bias, slant; al~ crosswise, diagonally

              Sinsabores-troubles, heartaches

              (f) Suela-sole; washer; tan; cue tip

              Tordillo-dappled, dapple-grey

              Ubérrimo-bountiful, fecund, abundant, fertile

              (f) Voluta-scroll, volute; spiral, column

              (f) Yema-yolk, fingertip; leaf bud

              Zaino-chestnut, black



















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